Editorial Policies

Peer-review policy

All types of articles submitted to JKIMSU journals are peer-reviewed. We are sending a research manuscript and standard manuscript peer- review format to two peer-reviewers and requesting them to submit their reports within 15 days after sending the manuscript for review.

The JKIMSU journals receive many research articles for publication. Therefore, we request peer-reviewers to kindly accept the innovative, novel, interesting article, which provides strong evidence for its conclusions and extreme importance to scientists in the specific field. Details of accepted and rejected articles of each issue are given in manuscript status.  

About Journal

Aim and Scope


Contribution Details

How to write a scientific paper

Types of Manuscripts and Limits

Conflicts of Interest


Plagiarism and Fabrication
Image integrity and standards

Peer-review policy

Review Process
Selecting peer-reviewers
Manuscript Review Report
Double Blind Peer Review

Editing Referees' Reports

Peer-Review System

Reviewing Peer Review

Availability of Data

Ethics and Biosecurity

Correction and Retraction Policy