Editorial Policies

Plagiarism and Fabrication

Plagiarism is unacknowledged copying or an attempt to misattribute original authorship, whether of ideas, text, or results. It can include, "stealing or misuse of intellectual property and the considerable unattributed textual copying of another's work". In plagiarism, large important texts have been cut-and-pasted without suitable acknowledgment.
When extensive exactly reuse of text from published data, the author should make sure to give suitable acknowledgment and citation to the other works. The reuse of parts of text from an author's previous research publication is called as self-plagiarism, for this also suitable acknowledgment and citation is essential to avoid creating an ambiguous perception of a unique contribution for the reader.

Duplicate publication occurs when an author reuses considerable parts of his or her own published work without providing suitable references. This can result in publishing an indistinguishable paper in many journals, to only adding a small amount of new data to an earlier published paper.

The JKIMSU journal editors evaluate all such cases on their individual merits. If plagiarism becomes evident after research paper publication, then we may correct or retract the original publication depending on the degree of plagiarism, the context within the published article and its impact on the overall integrity of the published study. All submitted manuscripts to JKIMSU are screened by using plagiarism detector software and if manuscript having more similarity indexes then such research manuscript would not be considered for publication in a JKIMSU journal.

About Journal

Aim and Scope


Contribution Details

How to write a scientific paper

Types of Manuscripts and Limits

Conflicts of Interest


Plagiarism and Fabrication
Image integrity and standards

Peer-review policy

Review Process
Selecting peer-reviewers
Manuscript Review Report
Double Blind Peer Review

Editing Referees' Reports

Peer-Review System

Reviewing Peer Review

Availability of Data

Ethics and Biosecurity

Correction and Retraction Policy